Professional Beauty Salon Stand Face Steamer Vaporizer Machine Salon Ozone Vaporization Facial Steamer
1. Softening skin necrosis cells,water supply,so that in the future nursing process in order to clean it. 2. Can make pore is stretched, facilitate deep cleaning. 3. Steamer can infiltrate into the pores, softening the pore scale up oil, black, cosmetic residue and dirt, so as to clear. 4. Steammer can help pore discharge poison, can temporarily softening wrinkles. 5. Special ozone generator produces ozone, and effectively kill skin in various bacteria, which is beneficial to the health of the skin, also can soften the skin surface of the necrotic cells, convenient and clear. 6. Promote the blood circulation, replenish cellular aqua, improve the cell metabolism and automatic restoration.
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